Read more about the article Vaga Assistente Administrativo – RJ
Pavel Job Vacancies - Open Scenario

Vacancy Administrative Assistant - RJ

Administrative Assistant Vacancy - RJ - Monitoring of legal processes with consultancy, monitoring of administrative processes, control and checking of incoming and outgoing Nfes, internal accounting and administrative controls, tax checking, nfes mission and all administrative routine with an accounting and tax Training and/or studying? Administration and/or Accounting Sciences, Office Package with Intermediate Excel, Experience in the Administration area, Experience in entering and issuing invoices, Experience in the tax area (will be an advantage), Knowledge in the Legal Area.

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Read more about the article Vaga Operador Caixa – RJ
Pavel Job Vacancies - Open Scenario

Vacancy for Cashier Operator - RJ

Cash Operator Vacancy - RJ - Receiving payments: - cash - card - pix and - Bills. Customer Service; Charge; Reception and service to motorcycle couriers; Customer service via WhatsApp and telephone; Payments of small expenses; Cash checking and closing; Organization of cash movement; Sending documentation to accounting; Sending via system of xml's, invoices and salary notices.

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