Check how long you have to provide a new ID

Yes, the ID must be changed! Many are already adhering to the new model. Do you know how long you can extend it? Check out the details.

A topic that is very popular these days concerns fraudulent documents in the country. In most cases this is due to the lack of security in the documents we currently use, such as ID.

Exactly with the aim of resolving this situation, a new documentation model was created and recently launched. It promises to put an end to document fraud and not leave you walking around with all your cards in your wallet, as everything you need is already included.

New ID model is already in force

Firstly, it is interesting to mention that the issuance of the new document does not replace the obligation to issue other documents. However, the objective of the new ID model is in fact to bring together in a single document all other documents that allow the identification of natural persons.

In addition to collecting all the data necessary for the effective identification of individuals, the new identification model can be issued online, so that citizens do not need to carry paperwork in hand, as this would only increase the likelihood of losing them.

Another innovation related to the new identification model affects the QR code. As of now, only federal agencies have a program that can view and authenticate information. It's very convenient.

Some changes appeared in the new document

Now that you know more details about the new ID model, it is worth highlighting the most important changes related to the new document. Check out the list of changes we have separated below:

  • Inclusion of the voter registration number;
  • Inclusion of the work card number;
  • Inclusion of the military certificate;
  • Inclusion of the National Driving License (CNH) numbering;
  • Inclusion of national health card;
  • Inclusion of NIS/PIS/Pasep.

In addition, you also have the opportunity to indicate whether or not you have a special need, as well as your blood type. This is of course for emergencies.

How do I issue the new document?

For the new sample document to be issued, it is necessary to complete the biometric registration with the Electoral Court or another identification institute.

In this case, the document may be requested by people who make fingerprints in the Civil Identification Database (BDICN).

Regarding the procedure, it is worth noting that it can be done on Poupatempo or through the application. You must install the platform on your cell phone and pre-register, providing the following data:

  • Name;
  • CPF;
  • Membership;
  • Address;
  • Date of birth;
  • Email number;
  • Phone number;
  • Password.

What is the deadline to request the new document?

Regarding the time available to request the document, it should be noted that it has been issued since March. The registration limit has been extended until March 2023.

Pedro Henrique

Website editor, trained in publicity and advertising, always bringing the best news, tips, applications and finance to the reader. I believe that education and information move the world.