Discover three common accessories that you should never use in your car

Although all elements are common and even desired by drivers, installation is not recommended. Trust me, you'll be glad you didn't install the equipment in…

Purchasing a new car is always a festive moment for consumers. Many people love to spice up and decorate their car with different accessories and parts. However, there are some very popular items that, for their own sake, should not be added.

While some of the items listed below are used for aesthetic reasons, they can cause a terrible headache.

1. Insufilm G5 or dark film

Car window films that are too dark can cause you a series of inconveniences, even with the law. As a rule, visibility lower than 75% on windshield or 70% on color film is not permitted.

In the event of a traffic stop, the police officer or controller must know who is in the car to approach. Therefore, you may have to manually tear off the film at the time of inspection. Plus you get a nice house.

2. Trailer hitch

If you are thinking about installing a trailer hitch on your car, it is best to read your car owner's manual. This is because most models do not recommend and even discourage the installation of the accessory.

Although some motorcyclists believe that the equipment offers protection, this is not true. The hitch prevents the bumper from being hit, but causes damage to the vehicle's structure. Well, the effort can easily be ten times greater if a repair is possible.

3. Crankcase protector for the car

The crankcase protection is a piece of metal that sits underneath the vehicle's engine and protects this area from damage. However, the design of most modern cars does not recommend using the part. No wonder it doesn't come with the vehicle from the factory.

This is for the safety of vehicle occupants. Today's cars are designed in such a way that the passenger compartment is protected as much as possible in the event of an impact. Therefore, the engine sinks and falls to the ground to prevent it from entering the cabin and hitting people. If you install crankcase protection, this protection will no longer be there.

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Pedro Henrique

Website editor, trained in publicity and advertising, always bringing the best news, tips, applications and finance to the reader. I believe that education and information move the world.