Interior design: Find out more about this profession

Interior design: Find out more about this profession

The interior design professional is capable of planning environments, according to the most varied aesthetic and functionality standards. This way, you can create projects for companies, industries, homes, as well as scenic environments, check out more details in the article.

With a technological degree, the professional follows a training period of around 2 years, focused on analyzing surfaces, colors, shapes, designs and decoration, and implementing behavioral research.

A peculiarity about this course is that people always have doubts regarding interior design and architecture courses, which is why a large part of the bachelor's degree curriculum is made up of subjects that can also be seen in the architecture course. .

The resume of the trained professional aims to propose improvements in projects. Therefore, you must be a fan of trends, as the professional must always be up to date with the latest news in this niche.

What is the salary of a graduate?

The professional may have a relationship that is not always linked to the CLT, also acting as a legal entity, for example. This way, providing services to more than one client at the same time. In the CLT salary range, salaries are in the range of R$2.3 thousand reais per month, which indicates the average in Brazil, whereas in the PJ regime, it is in the range of R$4 thousand reais per month, of course experience is taken into account of the professional.

Where to study interior design?

We have selected some institutions where interior design courses are taught, so it is worth keeping an eye on the following websites:

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Pedro Henrique

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