See: Driving schools may no longer be mandatory to obtain a driving license

This is a bill by Senator Kátia Abreus (PDT-TO) that provides for the end of mandatory theoretical and practical classes in driving schools to obtain a driver's license, in other words, read the article and stay up to date with everything.

The procedure for obtaining a National Driving License (CNH) may soon change. Bill (PL) 6485, presented in 2019 and authored by Senator Kátia Abreu (PDT-TO), was processed in the National Congress this week, which is good news and was presented to the Constitutional and Judiciary Commission. Among the measures, the PL proposes the end of the obligation to take classes in driving schools to obtain a driver's license.

Would this be the end of driving schools?

According to the senator's proposal, drivers in training for categories A (motorcycles, tricycles and mopeds) and B (cars with GVW of up to 3,500 kg and up to eight passengers, in addition to quadricycles) would no longer need to take theoretical and practical classes. in driving schools. However, existing standards would still continue, that is, candidates would still have to take the tests and exams required by Detran.

This way, future drivers could choose between taking classes at driving schools or with the help of an independent driving instructor accredited by Detran. There would still be another possibility, which would be individual learning. We cannot ignore the reality that vehicle driving skills can be acquired empirically through practice and observation, often acquired within the family, according to Senator Kátia Abreu.

Progress of the project

The bill will be analyzed by the CCJ. If approved, it will be put to a vote in the Chamber of Deputies

The project also proposes changes so that part of the revenue that the State collects from the payment of traffic fines, that is, can be used to pay for the driver's license for free for members of society. The benefit applies to people who wish to obtain their first driving license in categories A and B, or to drivers who wish to change categories for professional reasons.

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Pedro Henrique

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