See: How to take an online course at Harvard for free and in Portuguese

The modules can be a good opportunity for those who want to start an online course and a career in the technology area or for those who already work in the area and want to learn more about programming.

Have you ever imagined having a certificate from a Harvard University course, considered one of the most famous in the world? Well, you know this is possible. Fundação Estudar updated and made the CC50 course, an introduction to computing, available free of charge.

The positive thing is that the courses are available for free on the web and with subtitles in Portuguese. The CC50 turned ten years old in 2021 and received a new high-resolution version adding the updates that were recently released.

How the program works

The program has been expanded and now lasts a total of 11 weeks, instead of 10. Classes are taught in Harvard's own course development environment.

It is worth mentioning that CC50 is the translation of the original CS50, but with a focus on the Portuguese-speaking audience, those who want to start a career in the technology area or are already working in this area and want to learn more about programming.

What will the classes be like?

In total, the module consists of 25 classes with videos on theories and case studies. The contents taught are:

  • Introduction to programming and computer science;
  • Think algorithmically and solve programming problems efficiently;
  • Introduction and familiarity with programming languages such as C, Python, SQL and Java Script, in addition to CSS and HTML;
  • Algorithm concepts, abstraction, data structures, encapsulation, resource management, security, software development and web development;
  • Tips for developing and presenting a final project.

Registration for the online course

To participate and take part in CC50, simply access the course page and click on the I would like to sign up tab. On the page that opens, you need to fill out a form, confirm the data and thus access the complete course.

On the platform you can access all the class modules, as well as a booklet, with additional material

See too:


Pedro Henrique

Website editor, trained in publicity and advertising, always bringing the best news, tips, applications and finance to the reader. I believe that education and information move the world.