Read more about the article Vaga Motorista – RJ
Pavel Job Vacancies - Open Scenario

Driver Vacancy – RJ

Vaga Motorista - RJ - Necessário conhecimentos sólidos em veículos automáticos, conhecimento básico de manutenção veicular, montagem e desmontagem de eletrônicos, bons conhecimentos em smartphones e laptops e atendimento a clientes. Disponibilidade para viajar Brasil todo. Report de resultados em real time. Capacidade de trabalhar sob pressão.

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Read more about the article Vaga Motorista – RJ
Pavel Job Vacancies - Open Scenario

Driver Vacancy – RJ

Driver Vacancy - RJ - Drive vehicles in compliance with traffic laws in order to avoid incidents and accidents aiming for everyone's safety, carry out or support the services performed, deliveries, withdrawals, exchanges and recharges, respect the patients and customers served, ensuring satisfaction of the same, install the equipment in the homes of client patients in accordance with safety and equipment installation procedures. Complete High School CNH Category D Current MOPP Schedule Availability.

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