How to send your CV and prepare for a job interview

First of all, if you are about to go to a job interview, be sure to read this article, it is valuable tips.

1. Make your resume impeccable

Firstly, structure your CV, you can make or update your CV Using Some of These Applications. When writing it, reflect on everything that happened in your career, what the meanings were for your professional life, include all the positions you have held, and all the courses you have already taken, remember that companies want someone who knows how to solve problems, is a problem solver and will have an easier time in employment.

2. Research the company well before sending

Firstly, you must do your homework before starting, research the company on Linkedin, Google, search for more information on the company's website, understand the company's mission, vision and values. I'm sure you'll gain a lot by knowing the right information before applying for the job.

3. Study the most common questions

Some questions will be present in the interviews, they are simple, but believe me, it can be a daunting task at the time, but don't despair. Therefore, study in advance and with dedication. Imagine answering questions on the following topics:

  • Why do you want to work at the company?
  • Tell us your strengths and weaknesses?
  • Where do you want to be in 5 years?

4. Also talk about your trajectory

However, it is important to tell the interviewer about your background, try to cover details, such as your positions, people you met during your activities. In this way, these details attract the interviewer's attention, as you demonstrate that you have experience in different typical company scenarios.

5. Ask the interviewer questions

Yes, ask the interviewer questions. It is a way of demonstrating interest in the vacancy, in the position. So don't hesitate to ask if you have any questions about the company or the position.

After all, I'm sure that by following these tips and remaining calm you will get the job.

See too:

Free courses from Fundação Bradesco to enhance your CV.
Senac: Opens 800 places for free courses

Pedro Henrique

Website writer, trained in advertising, always bringing the best news, tips, applications and finance to the reader. I believe that education and information move the world.