See 18 companies with electrician vacancies: check salaries!

electrician jobs are available in different parts of the country, after all, practically each state has its own energy distributor, and some even have more than just one company of this type.

In today's article, we will look at the routine of a hired electrician, their average salary and where you can find good electrician jobs. Read with us and find out more, let’s go!

What does a contract electrician do?

A contract electrician performs a variety of duties related to the installation, maintenance and repair of electrical systems in homes, businesses or industrial facilities. Your responsibilities include:

Electrical installations

The hired electrician is responsible for installing electrical systems, including wiring, distribution panels, sockets, switches and various electrical devices, ensuring that everything complies with safety standards.

Preventive maintenance

Performs regular inspections to identify and correct potential problems before they become critical failures. This involves checking connections, replacing worn components, and making necessary adjustments.

Repairs and troubleshooting

In cases of electrical failures, the hired electrician is responsible for diagnosing and correcting problems. This may involve replacing faulty components, repairing damaged wiring, and resolving short circuits.

Installation of electrical equipment

May be tasked with installing specific electrical equipment such as lighting fixtures, security systems, solar power systems, or other devices as needed.


Compliance with standards and regulations

Must operate in compliance with local safety standards and electrical regulations, ensuring that all installations are up to required standards.

The ability to interpret electrical blueprints, apply technical knowledge, utilize specialized tools, and prioritize safety are essential skills for a contract electrician.

These professionals play a crucial role in the maintenance and safe operation of electrical systems in various environments.

See 18 companies with electrician vacancies

Several Brazilian companies, from different sectors, are often in demand for professional electricians to ensure the safe functioning of their electrical systems.

Below are some examples of companies that are offering electrician positions:

  • Eletropaulo (Enel Distribuição São Paulo): energy distribution companies, such as Enel Distribuição São Paulo, hire electricians to maintain and operate electrical networks;
  • Light SA: one of Rio de Janeiro's energy concessionaires, Light, is another company in the electrical sector that offers opportunities for electricians;
  • Embraer: Embraer, one of the largest aircraft manufacturers in the world, offers vacancies for electricians, especially in aircraft assembly and maintenance;
  • OK: companies in the mining sector, such as Vale, often need electricians to maintain and operate electrical equipment in their operations;
  • Automotive industries (e.g. Fiat, Volkswagen, GM): automotive companies, including automakers such as Fiat, Volkswagen and General Motors, hire electricians to work on the maintenance of industrial facilities and electrical equipment;
  • Construction and engineering companies (e.g. Odebrecht, MRV): construction and engineering companies, such as Odebrecht and MRV, have vacancies for electricians involved in civil construction and infrastructure projects;
  • Telecommunications companies (e.g. Vivo, Claro, TIM): companies in the telecommunications sector often hire electricians to carry out installations and maintenance on network infrastructures;
  • Renewable Energy Companies (ex: CPFL Renováveis, EDP Renováveis): with the growth of renewable energy, companies such as CPFL Renováveis and EDP Renováveis have opportunities for electricians involved in wind and solar projects.
  • Building maintenance companies (e.g. Gafisa, Tecnisa): construction companies and building maintenance companies, such as Gafisa and Tecnisa, hire electricians to carry out electrical maintenance in residential and commercial buildings;
  • Facilities service companies (e.g. Compass Group, Sodexo): facilities services companies, which offer operational support to organizations, need electricians to maintain electrical installations.

To find specific vacancies, it is recommended to visit these companies' career websites, in addition to using online employment platforms and recruitment agencies.

Attending job fairs and industry events can also be an effective way to get in direct contact with potential employers.

What is the salary for electrician jobs?

Salaries for electrician jobs in Brazil vary according to experience, location and sector of activity. In general, electricians can earn between R$ 2,500 and R$ 5,000 per month, depending on the region and level of specialization.

In more specific sectors, such as construction or energy companies, salaries tend to be higher, potentially exceeding R$ 6,000.

It is worth noting that these values are approximate and can be influenced by several factors, including local demand for qualified professionals.

Electrician vacancies - Open scenario
Electrician vacancies – Open scenario

In summary, electrician vacancies offer opportunities in different sectors and companies, reflecting the importance of this professional in the maintenance and operation of electrical systems. The hired electrician plays an essential role in installation, maintenance and troubleshooting related to electricity.

Job opportunities can be found in energy distribution companies, construction, automotive industries, telecommunications, renewable energy and many other sectors. As for salary, it varies depending on experience and specialization, electricians can expect to receive remuneration ranging from R$ 2,500 to R$ 5,000 per month.

Therefore, be aware of available opportunities, stay up to date with electrical standards and regulations and seek to improve your skills to stand out in the job market. Good luck in your search for electrician jobs! To the next!