Negative people take advantage of loan requests at Caixa Tem

According to data released by the government, around 83% of Caixa Tem borrowers had a negative name.

At least 602,000 people have requested SIM Digital, a loan from Caixa Tem, since applications began in March, according to the federal government. Of these people, around 499 thousand are negative, representing 83% of contractors.

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According to Pedro Guimarães, president of Caixa Econômica Federal, the average amount released to people with a negative name was R$ 778.31 in the first 20 days of the program. Citizens without a negative name had an average balance of R$ 735.50 in the same period.

Small producers can also benefit from the Caixa Tem loan

The Caixa Tem loan also covers micro-entrepreneurs and beneficiaries of Auxílio Brasil. To access the loan, you must own a business and use the loan to invest in your business.

Therefore, the new loan is aimed at people who want to start or strengthen their own business. Through the Caixa Tem app, these people can take out a microcredit of up to R$ 1,000 with a term of 12 to 24 months and an interest rate of 1.99% per month.

For those who do not fit into the Fit profile, the option is the loan already offered by the institution. It was launched in December 2021 and has an interest rate of 3.99% per month.

Microcredit for MEI

Individual microentrepreneurs (MEIs) can also request the new microcredit made available by Caixa Tem, but the deadlines are different from those not formalized and the credit must be contracted directly with an agency of the institution. See conditions:

Loan amount: from R$ 1,000.00 to R$ 3,000.00;
Amortization period: 18 to 24 months;
Interest rate: from 1.99% to 3.60% per month depending on the amount and payment term;
Hiring requirement: 12 months registered as MEI.

Pedro Henrique

Website writer, trained in advertising, always bringing the best news, tips, applications and finance to the reader. I believe that education and information move the world.