Home Doce Home registration – how to sign up for Domingão com Huck

Signing up for Lar Doce Lar is very simple to do, as long as you know how to proceed. This article is to help you participate in Domingão com Huck and have your home renovated, just like your dreams!

Lar Doce Lar, a feature of Domingão com Huck, fulfills the dream of many Brazilians of having a new house, or a completely free renovation of their home.

Would you like to win 30 thousand in a prize truck? Registration is free!

In this article, we will clarify how this dream-fulfilling framework works, and how you can sign up for free and be one of the lucky participants.

How does registration with Lar Doce Lar work?

Signing up for Lar Doce Lar is really super simple if you have the right steps. So, stay calm, we will help you proceed with your registration.

First of all, carefully read the rules for participating in Lar Doce Lar, to know if you meet the requirements to participate in the group.

If you have read the rules and found yourself at the standard of the participants, now all you have to do is register. To do this, follow the steps below:

  • Access the Gshow website. On this website you will find the place to register;
  • Find the area where registration for program staff is open;
  • Accessing the registration area for Lar Doce Lar, you will find a text with all the most important information about the board and you will see a button like “Click and Register”, it will redirect you to the official Gshow registration page;

When you reach this stage, you can write your entire story in a letter. In this letter, it must be written why you deserve to be selected to receive renovation work in your home. Do you have questions about how to write a letter to Lar Doce Lar? Below, find out how to write your letter the right way.

How to write your Application Letter for Lar Doce Lar:

Your letter is literally the path to being the chosen participant in the program Domingão com Huck, on Rede Globo. Registration at Lar Doce Lar consists of several questions, such as:

  • Personal/professional information
  • Financial condition
  • Per capita income
  • Photos of your current home
  • Why you should be chosen to participate in the program – This question will be where you will have the space to write your letter.

How to write the BEST letter to Lar Doce Lar:

  1. Understand the Program – watch past pictures and see details about the stories of previous participants. Find patterns that can move you, and introduce them into your story.
  2. Clear Introduction – Start with a formal greeting (e.g.: “Dear Domingão do Huck producers”). Briefly introduce yourself (name, age, where you live).
  3. Tell Your Story – be honest and tell us in detail about your current situation. Explain why you and your family are good candidates to participate in the program. Write in a way that your story is unique and moving.
  4. Show Your Need – describe why exactly you need to participate in the program, that is, what situation your home is in and how this affects you or your family.
  5. Include Photos or Videos – this will help you visualize your current situation.
  6. Mention Positive Impacts – show points on how participating in the program would change your life for the better.
  7. Review and Edit – avoid grammatical errors. If necessary, rewrite the letter.
  8. Clear Contact Information – don’t forget to include in the letter: your full address, telephone number and email.
  9. Closing and Thanks – end the letter by thanking them for the opportunity and for reading until the end. Insert a formal farewell: (e.g., “Sincerely, [Your Name]”).

Write your letter using the parameters above and you will definitely have a much better chance of being surprised by participating in Lar Doce Lar.

How does Lar Doce Lar work?

On the program Domingão com Huck, which replaces the old program “Domingão do Faustão”, the Lar Doce Lar program has been active since when Luciano Huck's program was called “Caldeirão do Huck”, airing on Saturdays. Nowadays it is still possible to participate in the program, by registering with Lar Doce Lar, or registering with Lata Velha, for example.

Among thousands of registrations for Domingão com Huck, only 1 lucky family will have their dream come true. Then, the presenter, Luciano Huck, surprises the family and announces that they are on the program.

Who can participate in Domingão com Huck:

The complicated thing, in fact, is being chosen among all the candidate candidates. It is also important to check whether you meet the registration requirements.

If you do not meet the registration terms, your letter will not be selected for analysis.

Registration at Lar Doce Lar - Open Scenario
Registration at Lar Doce Lar – Open Scenario

I hope I helped you register for Lar Doce Lar. This program has already made hundreds of people change their lives and receive the home of their dreams, the home of their hearts. Participating in this group means receiving everything you ever dreamed of. Don't waste any more time thinking about whether you should take the risk or not. Make it worth it. Write your letter to Domingão with Huck! Thanks for following along this far!