5 security companies with security guard vacancies available!

To the security guard vacancies They are mainly sought after by men, but there are exceptions to the rule, with many women already entering this field.

It is a profession that pays slightly well, especially when we take into account night shift and dangerous work premiums. Read with us and check out where to find good security guard vacancies, let's go!

What is a security guard?

A security guard is a professional trained and qualified to carry out surveillance, monitoring and protection of certain areas, properties or people.

Its main function is to ensure security and prevent unwanted incidents, such as theft, vandalism, or other types of crimes.

Main characteristics and responsibilities

  • Monitoring: the security guard uses electronic surveillance systems, such as security cameras, and carries out regular patrols to identify suspicious activities;
  • Access control: in many cases, the security guard is responsible for controlling the access of people and vehicles, ensuring that only authorized individuals enter the premises;
  • Emergency response: in emergency situations, the security guard can act in accordance with specific protocols, calling competent authorities, providing first aid or taking measures to contain the situation;
  • Preservation of order: the security guard acts as a deterrent, helping to maintain order and security in the place where he is located;
  • Collaboration with authorities: in some situations, the security guard can collaborate with police forces, providing relevant information or assisting in investigations.

Security guards can work in a variety of environments, such as companies, condominiums, events, financial institutions and other facilities that require protection and security.

Adequate training is essential for security guards to perform their duties effectively and professionally.

Security guard vacancies: how much do they pay per month?

A security guard's salary varies according to several factors, including the region, the type of company or institution employing, the professional's experience and the responsibilities associated with the position.


On average, a security guard's base salary can range from R$ 2,500.00 to R$ 5,500.00 per month.

In addition to the base salary, some security guards may receive additional payments that significantly impact their total remuneration. Two of these common add-ons are:

1. Hazardous premium

For security guards who perform their duties in environments considered dangerous, such as financial institutions, hazard pay is common. This additional is calculated on the base salary and varies, but can be, on average, 30% of the salary.

2. Night additional

Security guards who work night shifts may receive nighttime pay, which is an addition to their base salary to compensate for work performed during more challenging times.

The nighttime bonus is generally calculated on the hourly rate of work and can vary from 20% to 50%, depending on local legislation and the collective agreement.

It is important to consider these extras when evaluating the total remuneration offered for security guard positions, as they can represent a significant part of the salary package.

Companies with available security guard positions

Currently, some companies in Brazil that frequently hire security guards include:

  • Brink's security and transportation of valuables: specializing in security and valuables transportation services, Brink's is known for offering opportunities for security guards in its operations;
  • Proceed: a global security company that operates in several segments, including value transportation, electronic security and property surveillance;
  • GR Group: offers integrated security services, including property surveillance, electronic security and monitoring;
  • Security: a global security company that provides a variety of services, including surveillance, monitoring and security solutions;
  • Souza Lima Group: operates in the property security sector, offering surveillance, concierge and access control services.

It is worth noting that interested parties should pay attention to recruitment websites, consult employment agencies or contact companies directly to check available opportunities.

Furthermore, it is always recommended to check the specific requirements of each vacancy and follow the application procedures indicated by the companies.

Is it worth being vigilant?

The decision to become a security guard depends on each person's individual preferences, skills, and career goals.

Being a security guard can offer benefits such as job security, opportunities to acquire security skills, and the possibility of contributing to the protection of people and property.

Additionally, the private security industry continues to grow, providing a continued demand for qualified professionals.

However, it is essential to consider the challenges associated with the profession, such as working at night, the possibility of dealing with dangerous situations and the need to maintain constant vigilance.

Assessing risks, seeking appropriate training and being aware of growth opportunities in the field are important steps when considering a career as a security guard.

Security guard vacancies - Open scenario
Security guard vacancies – Open scenario

In summary, security guard vacancies offer a profession with constant demand and the possibility of obtaining attractive remuneration, especially considering the danger and night shift premiums. Although mostly sought after by men, opportunities are expanding for women in this field.

Working as a security guard involves the responsibility of protecting people, property and ensuring safety in various environments. However, it is essential to be aware of the challenges associated with the profession, such as the possibility of dangerous situations and working at unconventional hours.

For those who value security and are willing to face these challenges, being vigilant can be a rewarding choice. Therefore, consider your personal preferences, seek appropriate training, and explore the opportunities available to pursue a career as a security guard. Good luck on your professional journey! To the next!