See: Loan for MEI, how does it work?

Are you an individual microentrepreneur and need money to expand your business? Then check out this article about credit for MEI and see the options and features of the products offered on the market.

As the name suggests, microcredit is a small financial resource intended for those who are planning to start or already have a small microcredit business.

There are all types of microcredits, with very different amounts, installments and interest rates! And this, in addition to bureaucracy, can turn heads when you need financing. In other words, that's why we've put together the main questions and some tips to help you better understand how to access MEI's loan options!

Documents required to apply for the loan

The documents required for a MEI loan are very similar to those for a loan for individuals: ID, CPF, proof of residence, in addition to the MEI voucher issued by the Entrepreneur Portal and your bank account details.

It all depends on the credit policy of the chosen bank or financial institution. Some allow negative creditor credit, others do not.

Is it possible to obtain credit for a negative MEI?

One of the first steps that institutions will take before approving credit for the MEI is to consult your CNPJ to find out if you are in arrears. For MEI's financial life to be healthy, it is interesting to keep an eye on your CNPJ. This way it is possible to identify if for some reason an account is missing.

Where to apply for a loan?

Traditional banks, for the most part, have specific credit lines for MEI. There are some banks that focus on serving large companies where it will be difficult to obtain a small amount of credit.

It is generally necessary to be an account holder at the institution to carry out the operation. The bank with which MEI has an account already knows your history and credit capacity, which can facilitate the process.

In addition to traditional banks, several other financial institutions offer loans to MEI. Whether digital banks, fintechs, factoring, ESC (simple credit companies), cooperatives or others, the recommendation is to research and analyze what each one has to offer.

Pedro Henrique

Website writer, trained in advertising, always bringing the best news, tips, applications and finance to the reader. I believe that education and information move the world.