Serasa clears name

Many are interested in fixing their financial lives, but do not have the necessary amount to pay the amounts they owe or simply do not have the opportunity to negotiate their outstanding debts in a fair way that will really help them.

Don't worry if what you're feeling is despair... Feirão Serasa Limpa Nome came to help you with discounts of up to 90% on your debts. Negotiated and permitted by law, Serasa has the opportunity to help YOU, the consumer, free your name from debts from years ago, when you did not yet have the financial responsibility that you may have today, and now you have to look for creditors who do not consult Serasa.

Feirão Serasa Limpa Nome - Open Scenario
Feirão Serasa Limpa Nome – Open Scenario

In this article we will help you understand how negotiations work at Feirão Serasa Limpa Nome and how you can negotiate your biggest debts, and get rid of this financial squeeze…

But what is Serasa?

Serasa is a company from Brazil that analyzes information for all decisions related to credit and business. The company offers its services through several platforms:

The company can consult CPFs and track any outstanding debt. Monitor data and loans, negotiate debts, check your score and many other things.

Serasa offers you exclusive offers in a reliable 100% way

Feirão Serasa Limpa Name

Serasa offers the Feirão Limpa name, where it offers people the opportunity to finally negotiate their debts with HIGH discounts. We're talking up to 99% off.

How it works?

At Serasa you will check all your negative debts and overdue bills. After that, you will be offered several options accordingly and you must choose the one that suits you best. After that, just pay.

Trading companies

The debts that can be negotiated involve several different companies, such as:

  • Bradesco
  • Clear
  • Nubank
  • Hey
  • Santander
  • Riachuelo
  • Itaú
  • Bank of Brazil
  • Carrefour
  • AVON
  • Credits
  • Havana
  • Clear
  • SKY
  • Crefisa
  • safe harbor
  • Marisa
  • Renner
  • Tribanco
  • Digio
  • Pernambcanas
  • TIM
  • Pan Bank

In addition to the companies mentioned above, Serasa negotiates with dozens of other companies.

Serasa negotiations

When you pay a debt through Serasa Limpa Nome, the restriction on your CPF may be lifted within 5 days after payment. If it has been 5 business days and you still have the CPF restriction, please contact one of our professionals.

The only companies that you can negotiate with through Serasa are those that are its partners. Unfortunately we cannot negotiate with non-partner companies.

Any and all debts at Serasa are negotiable as long as they are within the terms of the partnership. Even when the consumer does not agree with the proposals offered to him, these conditions can be renegotiated directly with the company.

This is why Feirão Limpa Nome is so appealing to indebted consumers, many are just waiting for the opportunity to be called for negotiations. Don't waste time waiting to be called! You can contact them through their own WhatsApp or on the official website.

It is important to take all the care in the world not to fall for scams by malicious individuals posing as Serasa negotiators. Always check the origin of that contact before passing on any security information.

Leave the Serasa Limpa Nome number saved so that when they actually contact you, you can be sure that they are not criminals or embezzlers.


Without a doubt, you may be one of those who urgently need to have your debts negotiated and paid off, whether to start a new venture or to spend more money. Remember to act conscientiously. Serasa Limpa Nome came to help!

Arthur Mioni

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