Sesc vacancies: average salary exceeds 3 thousand per month!

Sesc Vacancies are very disputed. Sesc, Social Service of Commerce, aims to contribute to improving the quality of life of workers and their families. Therefore, it offers several job vacancies for qualified professionals committed to the proposed activities.

Sesc Job Vacancies - Open Scenario
Sesc Job Vacancies – Open Scenario

In this text, we will address the main job opportunities offered by Sesc, as well as its main features and benefits. Read with us and learn more about the Sesc jobs, let's go!

Sesc Vacancies: how to apply?

Sesc – Social Service of Commerce offers several opportunities for job all over the country. To apply for a position, you must follow the following steps:

  1. Access the official Sesc website and look for the section Jobs;
  2. Carefully read the information about available vacancies and check if you meet the requirements;
  3. Then, click on the vacancy that interests you and fill out the application form with your personal data, academic information, professional experience, etc.;
  4. Attach a CV with relevant information about your training and professional experience;
  5. Wait for contact from the Sesc recruitment team for a possible selection process.

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Candidate selection is carried out according to the company's needs and there is no guarantee that the candidate will be selected. Therefore, it is important for candidates to keep their CV updated and stay alert to new job openings.

Who can work in this company?

The professionals who work at SESC are divided into three large groups. The first group is administrative professionals, who are responsible for managing SESC units, organizing the services and assistance offered and supervising activities.

Among these professionals, we can mention unit managers, accountants, systems administrators, IT technicians, accounting technicians, lawyers, among others.


The second group are technical professionals, who are responsible for executing the services offered by SESC.

In this group, we find professionals from different areas, such as physical educators, health professionals, teachers, coordinators, nurses, therapists, among others.

Finally, we have professionals in the leisure and culture area, responsible for bringing entertainment and culture to SESC units. This group includes artists, musicians, dancers, theater, painters, etc.

In short, to work at SESC, the candidate must fit into one of the three groups mentioned above, possessing specific knowledge and skills for their area of activity.

What is the average salary at Sesc?

The Average Salary at Sesc varies according to the position and place of work. However, according to the Sesc recruitment portal, the average salary for all positions is R$3,000.00 per month.

Sesc is a Brazilian social system, which aims to improve the quality of life of workers, offering education, health, culture, leisure, sport and tourism services. Therefore, the average salary offered by Sesc tends to be higher than the average salary offered by other companies.

In addition to salary, Sesc also offers its employees various benefits, such as health plan, life insurance, medical assistance, dental assistance, discounts on products and services and travel discounts.

All of these benefits are offered with the aim of helping employees have a better quality of life.

Therefore, the average salary at Sesc is, in fact, much higher if we consider all the benefits offered. Sesc is a company well known for paying fair wages and offering benefits to its employees.

Is it worth working on Sesc vacancies?

Yes, it's worth working at Sesc. Sesc is a non-profit entity that aims to promote social well-being, through actions in the areas of education, culture, leisure, health, sport and tourism.

Sesc also has several establishments throughout Brazil, offering services at affordable prices for all Brazilians.

In addition, Sesc also offers several benefits to its employees, such as transportation vouchers, food vouchers, health plans, dental plans and life insurance.

As working at Sesc is working in a non-profit entity, the salaries are not very high, but it is still a workplace that offers many benefits and opportunities to grow. We hope to have helped you with your questions on the subject in question. To the next!

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Gabriel Barrado

Hello my Name Is Gabriel. I'm responsible for finding the best, most useful apps and platforms. I stay very up to date with trends and information about new applications to help you in the best way possible, always bringing reliable information to readers.