14th INSS salary: Proposal can be approved, see

The author of the project states that the proposal is still standing and advancing in analysis. See what the chances are of releasing the additional amount in 2022.

Retirees and retirees from the National Social Security Institute (INSS) await the release of their 14th salary. The proposal, which has been pending in the Chamber of Deputies since 2020, is still being analyzed by the Chamber's committees. The estimated value is two minimum wages, currently R$ 2,424. But is there a chance of approval?

The deputy recalls that the project has already passed through two committees, the pension and family committee and the finance committee. Therefore, approval by the CCJ is definitive, eliminating the need for a plenary vote. After approval, it goes directly to the Federal Senate for analysis.

Great help for INSS retirees

For Mattos, the anticipation of the 13th INSS salary only demonstrates the need to release the 14th salary. He points out that paying the Christmas bonus in advance leaves the insured person penniless at the end of the year.

Another argument made by the MP in defense of his project is that INSS retirees would not have access to emergency aid during the pandemic. Even in times of social isolation, the group had to allocate a large part of the subsidy to family expenses.

For him, the release of the 13th is an improvement in relation to what retirees and retirees are already entitled to. If released, the 14th salary is estimated at R$ 40 million.

See too: Find out how to earn extra income in dollars by answering surveys.

Pedro Henrique

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