See: 12 advantages of the Banese Card and how to apply.

Discover the Banese card, International acceptance and payment for purchases in up to 12 installments are among the card's advantages.

The international Banese Card is a free credit card, with no annual or annual fees. In addition to these benefits, the card allows the user to operate their savings or checking account without having to use cash or a checkbook.

The card is an excellent option for those traveling outside Brazil and also offers a series of facilities for its customers' daily lives, such as: free complementary cards, various bill payment options and a virtual card. Check out the 12 benefits offered by the Banese Card below:

  • Pension exemption;
  • No membership fee;
  • Free additional cards;
  • International acceptance through the Discover and Diners Club banners;
  • Virtual card for online purchases;
  • Invoice receipt by email;
  • Payment in up to 12 installments;
  • Different billing due date options;
  • Payment within 40 days, valid for purchases made on the closing date (best shopping day);
  • Card management through digital channels where it is possible to control expenses in real time, recover the best shopping day and much more;
  • Rewards program that guarantees points proportional to the use of the card: when accumulated, they can be used as part of the bill payment; Unique barcode with which you can pay your current bill with your previous bill barcode.

What are the prerequisites for the Banese card?

To be the holder of a Banese Card credit card and be able to enjoy all the benefits, some requirements must be met. You are:

Be 18 years old or over;
Proof of minimum income of at least one minimum wage (equivalent to R$ 1,045);
Fill out the registration form at one of Banco Banese’s branches or service network;
Provide copies of CPF, ID, proof of income and residence;
If self-employed, the applicant must present a proven credit history or copies of paid bills from other credit cards.

In addition, the Banese Card, Banco Banese offers two other credit card options, see. One of them is the Banese Card Elo Nanquim card, which serves customers with income equal to or greater than R$ 10 thousand. With it, its users also make national and international purchases and have access to exclusive benefits such as travel insurance, access to VIP lounges at the main airports in Brazil and around the world, Livelo benefits and protection insurance for small devices purchased with the card. Another option offered by the bank is the Banese Carajás card, aimed at customers who want exclusive prices and special payments at Carajás Home Center stores.

Pedro Henrique

Website writer, trained in advertising, always bringing the best news, tips, applications and finance to the reader. I believe that education and information move the world.