How to know if my name is dirty without paying anything

Is your name dirty? around 77% of Brazilian families had bills due in May, according to a survey by the National Confederation of Commerce in Goods, Services and Tourism (CNC). This is the highest number of debtors in the country since the beginning of the historical series in January 2010. Read more: Contran confirms benefits for those who stay 12 […]

If the consumer does not pay off the debt within the right period, their name will be forwarded to credit protection agencies and will be negative. This process causes a series of credit restrictions, such as B. Difficulty in accessing financing and credit.

Amidst the snowball that living in a scenario of such accelerated inflation has become, some Brazilians don't even realize that they have a dirty name. Therefore, even if the company sends notifications, it is important to consult corporate portals such as SPC and Serasa.

What are the consequences of having my name restricted?

Typically, companies try to negotiate with the customer before including their name in Serasa. You give a deadline to pay the bill. Only after this period will the consumer's name be sent to the debtors register.

The main effect of tarnishing your name is to increase the difficulty of getting your loan approved. Among them are in-store installments and the credit card you requested, which are always declined. However, it also makes it difficult to approve financing loans.

How to consult?

To check whether your name is negative, citizens can make a free consultation on the Serasa portal. See how:

Access the website;
Tap Consult free CPF;
Enter login and password or create an account;
Click on My CPF and check pending issues.
Consultation with SPC and Boa Vista can be made on the company's website or application:

SPC: Website, Android App and iOS App. Boa Vista SCPC: Website, Android App and iOS App.

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Pedro Henrique

Website writer, trained in advertising, always bringing the best news, tips, applications and finance to the reader. I believe that education and information move the world.