Why should you inform your CPF on the invoice, check out

Some Brazilian states are introducing incentive tools for citizens who provide their CPF number on the invoice during purchase; See what the benefits are.

Do you usually ask to put your CPF number on the invoice after purchase? Many Brazilian states are adopting this measure to offer some benefits to taxpayers. However, the reasons for this practice remain a real mystery for many people.

See too: Find out how to earn extra income in dollars by answering surveys.

Understand what it means and whether it is worth informing your CPF about the bill if you are in a supermarket or other commercial establishment.

Why is the CPF used on the invoice?

The Individual Taxpayer Registry (CPF) is the personal and individual identification of every Brazilian. Therefore, providing the CPF on the invoice is a way of allowing customers to be identified for that particular purchase. When this happens, the reason is usually to obtain some type of tax benefit through state government programs.

In São Paulo and some other states, the state can better control commercial taxation by informing the CPF on the invoice. This is done through the Tax on Circulation of Goods and Services (ICMS).

To encourage consumers to adopt this practice, the government offers some programs that add value to taxpayers. So it would be like a percentage of tax revenue going back to the consumer. There may be other benefits as well.

Some more advantages of including your CPF on your invoice

1 – Direct discount

In both São Paulo and Rondônia, residents can provide their CPF at the time of purchase to receive discounts. The amounts can be deducted, for example, when paying IPVA. There are states that use the same Urban Territorial Property Tax (IPTU) strategy.

2 – Prizes

In both São Paulo and Rondônia, residents can provide their CPF at the time of purchase to receive discounts. The amounts can, for example, be deducted from the IPVA payment. There are states that use the same strategy as the Urban Territorial Property Tax (IPTU).

3 – Direct withdrawals

As previously communicated, there is also the possibility of redeeming a percentage of the amount spent on the purchase whose CPF was informed.

Pedro Henrique

Website writer, trained in advertising, always bringing the best news, tips, applications and finance to the reader. I believe that education and information move the world.