INSS: See how to reactivate your BPC salary concession

The Continuous Payment Benefit (BPC) can serve a range of low-income Brazilians, whether they are adults aged 65 or over, or have physical, mental or intellectual disabilities. It is granted by the National Social Security Institute (INSS).

Due to the specificities of the BPC grant, whoever receives it is automatically reviewed every two years. The information was confirmed by the president of the Institute of Social Security Studies (Ieprev), Roberto de Carvalho Santos, who also stated that on this occasion the benefit could be suspended or blocked.

Outdated registration data in the Single Registry (CadÚnico) may result in a reduction in the BPC salary by the INSS. The beneficiary must contact a Social Assistance Reference Center (CRAS) to update the situation. Once this is done, you need to go to the INSS and request salary reactivation. The server has 30 days to respond to the request and correct the situation.

What does BPC mean?

The BPC, which emerged from the Organic Social Assistance Law (LOAS) in 1993, provides for the payment of a type of minimum wage for low-income elderly people aged 65 and over and people with disabilities (PWD).

The advantage of this benefit is that although administration by the INSS is not a social security benefit and, therefore, no exemption from long-term contributions is required.

Can I update the BPC through the single Cad?

First of all, you need to know that to be included in the CadÚnico database you must declare a monthly income of up to half a minimum wage per person or three minimum wages as monthly family income. To register with CadÚnico you need:

  • Designate a family member to answer registration questions. This person must be a family member, live in the same house and be at least 16 years old.
  • For the head of the family, preferably a woman, a CPF or Voter ID card is required.
  • Exception: in the case of indigenous and quilombola families, all the documents listed below can be presented. It does not need to be a CPF or voter registration card.

Additionally, it is mandatory to provide at least one of the following documents from all family members:

  • Birth certificate;
  • Wedding certificate;
  • CPF;
  • Identity Card (RG);
  • Indigenous Birth Administrative Certificate (RANI);
  • Work Card;
  • Voter ID.

How can I request the reactivation of the bpc benefit?

In view of the new rules, the reactivation of the BPC must be requested within 30 days of the reduction in benefits, as provided for in Ordinance 1022. The document informs that the reactivation must be done through the INSS Call Center at number 135, through on the Meu INSS portal or directly with an INSS agency.

If the beneficiary chooses the online platform, it is necessary to schedule a specific service. Then, the BPC reactivation task will be created after CadÚnico is updated. Once the procedure is opened, the server has 30 days to respond to the insured's request, updating the National Register of Social Information (CNIS).

If the BPC beneficiary wants to speed up the process, the INSS informs that it is possible to carry out the procedure directly through Meu INSS, as long as the CadÚnico data is already regular. Then simply access the platform and request the Reactivar Benefício service.

See too: Find out how to earn extra income in dollars by answering surveys.

Pedro Henrique

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