INSS: Salary value in 2023 has been released, and it surprises everyone.

The INSS 2023 salary will be published by the federal government. The values may surprise as the increase is not significant

The value of the Brazilian minimum wage is readjusted annually. This is already a known fact. In 2020, this value was R$ 1,045.00; in 2021 from R$ 1,100; and in 2022 from R$ 1,212. However, what not everyone knows is that with this increase, the salary of INSS beneficiaries will also increase.

The reason for this is that the INSS stipulates by law that under no circumstances will the INSS pay an amount below the minimum amount it can pay. These payments are then adjusted each year. And in 2023, this number may surprise many.

Thus, according to the Economic Policy Secretariat of the Ministry of Economy, the minimum wage is expected to be R$ 1,310.17 in 2023. Compared to the current minimum wage, the increase is only R$ 98.17. So he may surprise a lot of people, but not positively. As in other years, the adjustment will come into force in January 2023.

Finally, the value of the adjustment is estimated by the government based on the national price index, the INPC. He is the one who readjusts the minimum wage every year, always taking current inflation into account. This way, INSS payments could increase next year. But not as much as some might expect.

Just an estimate

Therefore, if you receive a benefit equivalent to a minimum wage in 2022, your benefit will increase to R$ 1,310 next year with the adjustment. If you receive R$ 1,500 today, the value will increase to R$ 1,621 with the adjustment. Etc. Remember this is just an estimate. Prices may change until the end of the year.

See too: Find out how to earn extra income in dollars by answering surveys.

Pedro Henrique

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