Senate approves new increase for Brazil Aid

The text foresees an increase of R$ 200 in relation to the current value of the benefit until December 2022. Find out more.

Auxílio Brasil may receive a further increase to R$ 600 in the coming months. The proposal submitted to the Federal Senate foresees an increase of R$ 200 in relation to the current amount paid to program beneficiaries, which is R$ 400.

If approved by the Chamber of Deputies and sanctioned by President Jair Bolsonaro, the measure is valid until the end of 2022. According to Senator Fernando Bezerra Coelho, rapporteur of the project, the impact of the increase on public coffers will be R$ 38 billion.

PEC (constitutional amendment proposal) No. 1 excludes this and other additional expenses from this year's spending ceiling. This means that the government will be able to carry out extraordinary expenses to finance the new Auxílio Brasil value.

How the PEC works

In addition to increasing social benefits, the text also proposes, among other benefits in this election year, more than doubling the national fuel voucher. Check out the main points:

  • Brazil Aid: Increase from R$ 400 to R$ 600 and welcoming more than 1.6 million new families.
  • Gas Aid for Brazilians: Increase from 50% to 100% in the value of a cooking gas cylinder.
  • Truck Driver Pix: monthly benefit of R$ 1,000 for truck drivers.
  • Free transportation for the elderly: subsidy to States to offer free transportation to the elderly. Ethanol: Release of up to R$ 3.8 billion in tax credits to keep ethanol competitive with gasoline.

The package has already attracted criticism from experts who see the PEC as a desperate move by Jair Bolsonaro to win re-election. For some of them, the only effective solution at this time for fuel is to change Petrobras' current pricing policy.

Brazil aid in the month of June

The July payment schedule covers the last ten working days of the month and is unlikely to include an increase to R$ 600. This is unlikely to happen until August.

Pedro Henrique

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