Assistance of R$600, gas voucher, truck driver assistance, pay attention to the dates.

A large part of the population was very excited that the new wave of aid, both created from scratch and turbocharged, would reach families at the beginning of August. Since it finally started, everyone wants to know when they can finally withdraw their money.

Especially because the increase came at an unnecessary time in the lives of Brazilian workers. The good news is that fortunately all four benefits already have specific payment dates. Yes, we are talking about Auxílio Brasil, fuel vouchers, BEm Caminhoneiro and BEm Taxista.

In addition to being able to insure more people, the value went from R$ 400 to R$ 600. This new feature will only last until December and there is already a payment date. To consult the calendar, you must know that it follows the NIS number as before.

  • Final NIS 1: August 9;
  • Final NIS 2: August 10;
  • Final NIS 3: August 11;
  • Final NIS 4: August 12;
  • Final NIS 5: August 15;
  • NIS of Final 6: August 16;
  • NIS end 7: August 17;
  • Final NIS 8: August 18;
  • End NIS 9: August 19;
  • End NIS 0: August 22nd.

Worth gas

This is another very popular perk that has undergone a very significant change. The value of the voucher was 50 of the value of a 13kg gas cylinder, but it is now worth 100, so the current value is around R$ 120.

  • Final NIS 1: August 9;
  • Final NIS 2: August 10;
  • Final NIS 3: August 11;
  • Final NIS 4: August 12;
  • Final NIS 5: August 15;
  • Final NIS 6: August 16;
  • NIS end 7: August 17;
  • Final NIS 8: August 18;
  • End NIS 9: August 19;
  • End NIS 0: August 22nd.

Truck driver assistance

Now let's talk about a new tool. This is the response to all the protests from the self-employed truck driver class about the increase in the price of all fuels, as the constant adjustments put everyone's profits at risk.

You receive thousands in installments every month. This payment starts on August 9th. The strange thing is that, as one of the payments is for July, they receive two shares at once

Good for taxi drivers

And finally we have the taxi drivers who have to wait until the second half to pick them up. You cannot get your hands on the aid until the 16th. The good thing is that you will also receive payment of two installments of one thousand reais.

Pedro Henrique

Website writer, trained in advertising, always bringing the best news, tips, applications and finance to the reader. I believe that education and information move the world.