Auxilio Brasil: June calendar starts this Friday.

The Auxílio Brasil 2022 calendar for the month of June starts this Friday, June 17th.

Auxílio Brasil is always paid in the last ten working days of each month, the same model as the old Bolsa Família.

The Auxílio Brasil Payment Order follows the last digit of each beneficiary's NIS.

Those who receive first are those with a final NIS of 1. Then, beneficiaries with a final NIS of 2, etc. until the last date receive those with a final NIS of 0.

What will be the value of Brazil aid in June 2022?

The minimum rate for Auxílio Brasil is R$ 400, but it can increase depending on the family's profile.

In Auxílio Brasil there will be three basic benefits and thus, six additional ones. They can be added if the beneficiary finds a job or has a child who excels in athletic, scientific or academic competitions.

However, in June the Auxílio Brasil tariff will be slightly higher for all beneficiaries. The reason is the payment together with the Gas Aid.

The value of the gas voucher corresponds to 50% of the average price of a 13 kg gas cylinder and is paid bimonthly. In April the value of gas aid was R$ 52

How do I register for Brazilian aid?

Auxílio Brasil is paid to families living in extreme poverty and poverty.

Families with a per capita income of up to R$ 100 are considered extremely poor. up to R$ 200.

To receive Auxílio Brasil it is necessary to be registered in the Single Registry for Social Programs (CadÚnico). Registration can be made at your municipality’s city hall.

Read too: See how to earn extra income repairing cell phones.

Pedro Henrique

Website writer, trained in advertising, always bringing the best news, tips, applications and finance to the reader. I believe that education and information move the world.