Emergency aid is released to a specific audience, in the amount of R$1800, see

The local government authorizes the payment of emergency aid benefits to workers whose businesses were destroyed by the tragedy.

A new emergency response has been announced for residents who were victims of a tragedy on May 25. The city council confirmed three remittances of R$ 600 to the population of Camaragibe (PE), for a total benefit of R$ 1,800 per person.

Read too: See how to earn extra income repairing cell phones.

Around 200 registered entrepreneurs, previously approved by the city's Economic Development Secretariat, will have access to the help. At the end of last month, a fire devastated the Camaragibe Public Market, destroying hundreds of stores and products.

The municipality, through the Law, will make R$ 360 thousand of its own resources available to pay for the grant. Furthermore, the market is going through a process of total revitalization.

Pernambuco City Hall also announced that workers who worked at the site with a permit will have access to a special line of credit. It plans to partner with financial institutions to offer a longer grace period as well as reduced interest rates.

Pedro Henrique

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