Avoid these 5 situations to avoid being excluded from CadÚnico

Find out what behaviors families need to adopt to avoid losing their registration in the government database, CadÚnico

The Single Registry (CadÚnico) acts as the federal government's main tool for reaching families in poverty or extreme poverty. The platform works as a database that ensures the involvement of millions of people in social programs. Therefore, deleting the registry can be a big headache for many people!

What are the requirements to participate in CadÚnico?

The list of benefits offered to those who sign up for the program includes: Continuous Benefit Payment (BPC), Drought Allowance, Green Allowance, Senior Citizen Card, Water for All, Low-Income Retirement, Brazil Aid, among others, Gas Aid, among others.

To be part of CadÚnico, families must have a monthly per capita income of up to half the minimum wage (R$ 606) or a monthly income above this range, provided that the family requests another benefit or program in which registration occurs.

What can I do to avoid losing my CadÙnico benefit?

After families join CadÚnico, the most important thing to be respected is the deadline for updating registration information, which occurs every two years. Failure to comply with this rule may result in the denial of access to the programs linked to the Beneficiary Family.

5 situations that can lead to cancellation

Check below the situations that can cause families to lose their registration in the database:

  • Expulsion by court order;
  • Providing false information to the system;
  • Omission of information from the CadÚnico database;
  • Denial of family information, such as B. Death of a Member; and
  • If the family has been unbalanced for a period of 48 months or more, counting from the last addition or update.

See too: Find out how to earn extra income in dollars by answering surveys.

Pedro Henrique

Website writer, trained in advertising, always bringing the best news, tips, applications and finance to the reader. I believe that education and information move the world.