Caixa has already authorized double withdrawals through PIS/Pasep, see if you will receive it.

Caixa Econômica Federal authorizes double revocation by PIS/PASEP. Employees can withdraw missed amounts by reference to the 2020 base year wage subsidy and funding ratios.…

In addition to Caixa, Banco do Brasil (BB) also approved the release of funds that can be withdrawn by employees until December 29, 2022.

Who is entitled to double withdrawal?

PIS is intended for workers who work in the private sector and are paid through Caixa, while Pasep covers public servants and is administered by BB.

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According to the Department of Labor and Social Security, around 478,000 workers have not paid the amounts. Of these, 125,624 are entitled to PIS and 353,100 to Pasep.

See the requirements

  • Be registered with PIS/Pasep for at least 5 years;
    Receive, in this way, an average monthly salary in 2020 of up to a maximum of two minimum wages;
    Have worked for a legal entity for at least 30 days in 2020, continuously or not;
  • Have the data updated by the employer in the annual social information report (Rais/eSocial).

PIS/PASEP quotas are the right of workers, including public servants and ex-military personnel, who provided services with a signed employment contract between 1970 and October 4, 1988 and were not withdrawn.

How do I make double withdrawal inquiries?

Since 2019, the federal government has approved the withdrawal of quotas from the PIS/PASEP fund, which can be carried out until June 1, 2025. At the end of the term, the amount will be transferred to the union and the worker will no longer be able to withdraw it.

To view the quotas, the worker must access the FGTS application or even the FGTS website and access Caixa's internet banking (for account holders). The PIS/PASEP fund can be withdrawn at any Caixa branch.

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Pedro Henrique

Website writer, trained in advertising, always bringing the best news, tips, applications and finance to the reader. I believe that education and information move the world.