Tip: How to withdraw up to R$1000.00 from the Caixa Tem app

Workers with a formal contract can withdraw up to R$ 1,000 from the Caixa Tem app until December 15th this year. Know more.

Workers with a formal contract can withdraw up to R$ 1,000 until December 15th this year. Find out more.Since April, Caixa Econômica Federal has deposited up to R$ 1,000 into digital accounts on the Caixa Tem app. The benefit refers to the extraordinary withdrawal from the FGTS (Service Time Guarantee Fund) announced by the government in March.

To access this money, you just need to have an active balance (current occupation). or inactive accounts (old jobs) in the background. Anyone who has already used these resources for guaranteed credit operations cannot participate.

Currently, the Caixa Tem account is used to deposit various social and social security benefits such as Auxílio Gás, Auxílio Brasil and Abono Salary PIS/Pasep.

In the case of workers who wish to participate in the extraordinary FGTS withdrawal, simply download the application to access the money. Caixa will be responsible for automatically opening accounts on behalf of shareholders.

Withdrawals worth up to R$1000.00

The calendar for this new round of withdrawals runs until June 15, in order of the employees' birthday month. All groups have until December 15th to transfer the money. Check the data:

Month of birth/Date of deposit at Caixa Tem

  • January: April 20
  • February: April 30
  • March: May 4th
  • April: May 11
  • May: May 14
  • June: May 18
  • July: May 21
  • August: May 25th
  • September: May 28
  • October: June 1st
  • November: June 8th
  • December: June 15

No one is obliged to change the FGTS balance now. If you wish, you can also request a credit refund through the app until November 10th. Another alternative is to wait for the end of the round for automatic return to linked accounts.

Consult values, dates and other information about performance at Caixa branches and on the Caixa website, FGTS website or FGTS app.

See too:

Pedro Henrique

Website writer, trained in advertising, always bringing the best news, tips, applications and finance to the reader. I believe that education and information move the world.