Dirty name: How do I know if my name is in the negative? Look

When lending the famous credit, companies consult the CPF and check the consumer's history; the more debt, the less market credit is released. See the article on how to know if you have a bad name

Being blocked from paying your mortgage, not being able to get loans from the bank, and having your credit card denied are some of the consequences for those with a negative CPF.

To find out if your name is in this state, you must consult the register of companies specializing in this service, which records consumer insolvency. The data is passed on by the companies that hired the consultancy and forms a database.

How to see in practice if my name is dirty

While these companies that hire the service can then consult any CPF, the consumer can only check their situation on the available platforms. To find out if it is negative, you need to register with your full name and date of birth, which will generate a login and password. In addition to Serasa, it is possible to consult the conditions for accessing credit free of charge at the Central Credit Protection Service (SCPC) administered by Boa Vista. At SPC Brasil, the service is paid.

When accessing the platform, the consumer knows whether they are considered a good or bad payer and can also negotiate the debt through credit consultancy.

The negative period depends on the state – in São Paulo it takes 20 days, but in other states the period is shorter, ten days, depending on the state. Debts can be viewed, paid off or paid in installments. Serasa, for example, has a record of almost 65 million non-paying CPFs, which adds up to more than 200 million in debts.

How do I regularize my name?

If you discovered that the name is dirty at an institution, check the trading options on the Serasa website. Furthermore, the company continually organizes debt renegotiation fairs with many discounts.

If you cannot find the company in debt, contact them directly to negotiate payment.

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Pedro Henrique

Website writer, trained in advertising, always bringing the best news, tips, applications and finance to the reader. I believe that education and information move the world.