Extra Aid installment: See how much will be paid to beneficiaries

If you receive Brazilian aid, see the exact amount of the additional benefit quota for program participants.

Even as we move towards the end of the COVID-19 pandemic, there are still many families who are in a vulnerable state and need help from federal governments, as the job market remains unstable and does not meet the demand of workers looking for an opportunity.

See too: Gas voucher assistance: See if you are eligible

That's why there's still a lot of talk about the added value of Auxílio Brasil. Stay until the end of this reading because we'll explain all the details about it. You'll even find out why some people earn more than R$400 per month. Is this a possible reality for you too?

How much will the aid be?

First of all, we should note that changes have been made to Brazil's current main income benefit. From now on, according to the project, the maximum amount for Auxílio Brasil in 2022 will be R$$400 per month.

This project was approved by President Jair Bolsonaro, so the permanent benefit floor will actually be this stay. This means that people who received the – now extinct – Bolsa Família and are receiving this benefit will have access to this minimum amount monthly.

According to information released by the federal government, Auxílio Brasil will cost around Rs. . US$ 41 billion per year if it remains below this floor.

Checking the benefit

For those who wish to receive the benefit and find out about the amount or scope of the benefit, the procedure is very simple and can be done entirely online. You can even use your cell phone.

Follow the step-by-step guide to check your Auxílio Brasil:

  • Download the Auxílio Brasil GovBR app for Android from the Play Store.
  • Enter your Gov BR details as usual. If you don't have them, create the account quickly;
    Done! You can now check your balance and benefit billing details on the main screen.

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Pedro Henrique

Website writer, trained in advertising, always bringing the best news, tips, applications and finance to the reader. I believe that education and information move the world.