FGTS: Withdrawal of up to R$ 1 thousand has 3 new lots in June; see the dates

By mid-June, around 42 million workers will have received FGTS of up to R$ 1,000 through the Caixa Tem app.

In just over two weeks, the calendar for extraordinary withdrawals from the FGTS (Service Time Guarantee Fund) ends. By then, all approximately 42 million eligible workers will have received up to R$ 1,000 in their digital Caixa Tem accounts.

The extraordinary benefit reduction modality was created by the federal government to inject money into the economy and help Brazilian accounts. Around R$ 30 billion is expected to be negotiated during the round.

Follow the calendar

Only three groups have not yet received the resource, and all will have access in June. The FGTS exit calendar follows the order of the employees' birthday months, see the remaining dates:

Born in October: received on June 1, 2022;
Born in November: received on June 8, 2022;
Born in December: received on June 15, 2022.

How to request FGTS withdrawal

Anyone with an FGTS balance automatically participates in the round, except in cases of court decisions, use of resources in guaranteed credit operations and other situations provided for by law. In other words, it is not necessary to request a withdrawal.

Caixa Econômica Federal opens a digital savings account in the employee's name on the Caixa Tem app. After downloading the tool, he can move funds through transfers, payments, purchases and even cash withdrawals.

Consulting the FGTS

To check the balance and other information about the Guarantee Fund, simply call 158 or access the FGTS website or app. You can also find out more at Caixa branches.

Participation in the extraordinary revocation is not mandatory. Workers who do not want to withdraw the money can now wait for the end of the round on December 15th or request the loan to be returned by November 10th, also via the Caixa Tem app.

Pedro Henrique

Website writer, trained in advertising, always bringing the best news, tips, applications and finance to the reader. I believe that education and information move the world.