Gas Aid: Why haven't I received any installments yet?

Gas aid helps needy people buy 13 kg gas cylinders

The federal gas voucher is a federal government social program that helps people in socially disadvantaged situations buy 13 kg gas cylinders. The project has already been approved, sanctioned and paid for since the end of December last year. However, not everyone gets the money.

Data from the Ministry of Citizenship shows that just over 5 million Brazilians are currently on the national gas voucher payroll. The waiting list to participate in the show reached 18 million citizens. There is no application deadline for people on this list.

The federal government explains that the payment of the gas voucher is not made to all beneficiaries because there is no space in the home. Therefore, more than 18 million Brazilians entitled to the benefit have not yet been able to receive part of the project.

Who is eligible to receive the gas voucher?

According to the Ministry of Citizenship, responsible for payments, citizens must have a per capita income of up to half the minimum wage, that is, R$ 606, to have the chance to join the national gas voucher.

In addition, an active profile in the CadÚnico or Continuous Payment Benefit (BPC) of the National Social Security Institute (INSS) is required. As I said, the selection process is automatic.

In this sense, the Ministry of Citizenship reminds you that it does not send registration requests or confirmation of acceptance into the program. Thus, the user does not need to send any information to the authorities.

Increase in the gas aid program.

Last April, the National Congress approved a text that changes the way Brazil deals with fuel prices. Among the points of the project is also the forecast of changes in the national gas voucher.

The senators' idea is to increase the scope of the social program. For example, they proposed increasing the number of beneficiaries from the current 5 million to more than 10 million beneficiaries in the Chamber of Deputies. congressperson. Chamber President Arthur Lira (PP-AL) was expected to continue with the agenda this week, but the text is stuck.

Pedro Henrique

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