Gas Aid: See if you are entitled

Gas Aid will be paid again in June to help families who cannot afford gas for cooking. The value corresponds to 50% of the national average price of a 13 kg bottle of Liquefied Petroleum Gas (LPG).

The federal government determined that Caixa Econômica Federal is responsible for transferring the resources to the selected people. And the Ministry of Citizenship will be responsible for managing the database and entry rules.

All families registered in CadÚnico with a monthly family income less than or equal to half the minimum wage per person, including families that receive benefits from government programs; Families where someone lives in the same house who receives the benefit or the continuous provision of social assistance, whether registered with CadÚnico or not.

The financial benefit of the Auxílio Gás dos Brasileiros program follows the following criteria:

  • Families with a CadÚnico database updated in the last 24 months;
  • Families with lower per capita income;
  • Families with a larger number of people;
  • Families that receive benefits from the Auxílio Brasil program;
  • Families with a record authorized by the manager with the use of investigative data when available.
  • Priority will be given to families of women victims of domestic violence who are under urgent protection supervision.
  • Anyone who receives Gas Aid is not prevented from receiving another benefit because it is not a monthly income program.

Benefit calendar

  • NIS ends 1:17 June;
  • NIS ends at 2:20 June;
  • NIS ends at 3:21 June;
  • NIS ends at 4:22 June;
  • NIS ends 5:23 June;
  • NIS ends 6:24 June;
  • NIS ends 7:27 June;
  • NIS ends 8: June 28;
  • NIS ends 9:29 June;
  • NIS ends 0:30 June.

The money is credited to beneficiary families every two months. It was determined that in 2022 payments will be made in even-numbered months. The last payment was in April, the next in June and then in August.

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Pedro Henrique

Website writer, trained in advertising, always bringing the best news, tips, applications and finance to the reader. I believe that education and information move the world.