Good news: INSS may release the fourteenth salary of R$ 2,424 soon

People dreamed of this day, especially in the last years of the crisis. The anticipation of the 13th has helped many people in the worst moments of the pandemic, but the possible payment of the fourteenth (14th) INSS salary will soon benefit many more.

This time, the changes took place in the Chamber of Deputies. The project thus took another step towards its own approval. While this is really encouraging for the beneficiaries, we still have to point out that there is still a long way to go.

The latest update to the project was made by the Constitutional and Judicial Commission (CCJ). The project was on the waiting list to be analyzed and voted on by the CCJ in the coming weeks, but this part of the process was omitted and has already advanced without the Commission's evaluation.

With this progress, weeks of formalities are required by law until the proposal is effectively implemented. Now that it is in the hands of senators, it can be approved by members of the Chamber of Deputies. If the answer is yes, the project is sent for presidential approval.

The law of the fourteenth salary

Bill No. 4,367/20 was proposed by MP Pompeo de Mattos of the PDT of Rio Grande do Sul. It provides for the payment of double the legal annual subsidy, that is, the payment of the 13th is doubled.

The objective of the proposal, according to its rapporteur, is for people to receive help at the end of the year, as the government allowed early withdrawal of this payment due to the pandemic.

Therefore, if this money is needed for expenses, it cannot be obtained because it has already been used for emergencies.

When it was proposed in 2020, the situation was extremely uncertain. On several occasions, only pensioners had a stable income during the lockdown. According to Pompeo, the desire to help the Brazilian people is independent of resistance.

How payment could work

Payment is still following the normal pattern. If approved, it looks like this:

  • Retirees who receive a minimum wage provided by the INSS are entitled to an additional salary for the year as long as it is equivalent to R$ 1,212 (current salary);
  • The beneficiary who receives an amount greater than one salary will receive the added value proportional to the difference between the minimum wage and the INSS reference ceiling, which is currently R$ 7,087.22, as long as this amount has the normal value of two salaries (R$ 2,424).

Pedro Henrique

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