Good news: Project that authorizes a reduction in electricity bills was approved

The reimbursement of unjustified charges on the electricity bill is regulated by the National Electric Energy Agency (Aneel).

The electricity bill is one of the items that weighs most on Brazilians' pockets and has put pressure on inflation in recent months. Thus, saving has become a habit for millions of families, especially the poorest.

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Congress decided to take a more active stance on the matter, and the Plenary of the Chamber of Deputies approved Bill 1143/21, which dealt with the subject of offers. The proposal was approved in the Chamber of Deputies by 371 votes in favor, none in a symbolic vote to speed up its processing.

Refund on electricity bill was approved

The text encourages the reimbursement of undue charges to customers by reducing the price stated on the electricity bill. In other words, instead of returning the amount to families, concessionaires grant credits that can be offset in the next energy bills.

The project authorizes the National Electric Energy Agency (Aneel) to return the amounts collected in excess, when resulting from regulatory changes or administrative or judicial decisions, through the reduction of tariffs paid by users of the public energy distribution service, explains Arnaldo Jardim, deputy rapporteur for the matter at the Mines and Energy Commission.

The objective is to facilitate the payment of returns so that the consumer does not have to go to court to obtain a refund. It is expected to be considered by the Chamber Plenary this Wednesday, 8th, with accelerated implementation if approved.

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Pedro Henrique

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