Graphic Design: See free course at Fundação Bradesco

Fundação Bradesco Escola Virtual courses are free, a great opportunity for you to improve or learn a new skill. The site offers courses for the general public, see this article specifically about graphic design.

About the Graphic Design course

The graphic design course trains professionals capable of creating visual projects and systems. The student is willing to contribute to the relationship between people and digital information. Without a doubt, it is a niche with strong value nowadays.

The Design Fundamentals Course, it is important that you learn the basics of graphic design, i.e. image design, commercial art design and packaging products printed books course content. You will learn here for example image composition textures shapes surfaces.

You will also see the different types of image file formats that exist in today's context and learn about image manipulation concepts and tools.

If you intend to work professionally in graphic design, but haven't done so yet, don't take courses in the area, this content is for you!


There are no prerequisites for taking the course.

Minimum age

According to the website, a minimum age of 16 is required to enroll in the course.


In addition to the syllabus already described in the article, the student will also learn the following tools in the Fundação Bradesco graphic design course:

  • Image editing concepts
  • Filters and effects
  • Layering concept (layers)
  • Tools for image editing


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Course link mentioned in the article

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Pedro Henrique

Website writer, trained in advertising, always bringing the best news, tips, applications and finance to the reader. I believe that education and information move the world.