Aid of R$400.00 is now law, see

The president of the republic Jair Bolsonaro sanctioned the provisional measure that makes the minimum value of four hundred reais for Brazil Aid permanent. The sanction was published in this Thursday's edition of the Official Gazette. Auxílio Brasil was created by the government last August, replacing the old Bolsa Família program.

Auxílio Brasil was created by the government in August last year, replacing Bolsa Família. Initially, the proposed average benefit paid to low-income families was two hundred and seventeen reais. To increase the value to four hundred reais, the government enacted a provisional measure that introduced the so-called extraordinary advantage, that is, it is a kind of complement to the value of Auxílio Brasil. However, this benefit was temporary and would end in December, which would reduce the amount paid by Auxílio Brasil.

The so-called extraordinary aid is calculated as the sum of the financial contributions made by Auxílio Brasil in the following situations: to families in situations of poverty and extreme poverty. They are the early childhood program worth R$ 130 for families with children up to 3 years old; the family composition of R$ 65, paid to families with pregnant women, breastfeeding women or between 3 and 21 years old, incomplete for those who comply with the rules.

How to check the aid benefit

The beneficiary can view information about payment dates, benefit levels and installment composition in two applications: The first is Auxílio Brasil, developed for the social program, and the second is Caixa Tem, used to monitor the digital savings account of banks.

Today, 17.5 million families are served by the program. At the beginning of this year, 3 million families were included in Auxílio Brasil.

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Pedro Henrique

Website writer, trained in advertising, always bringing the best news, tips, applications and finance to the reader. I believe that education and information move the world.