How to have more than 10 benefits through CadÚnico, follow the list

The benefits that CadÚnico can offer to citizens registered and considered citizens are multiple. If you haven't received it yet or don't know the vast majority, it's time to…

We all know that we are going through a period of serious financial crises in our country. Every day we see the values of the simplest things in our daily lives rise uncontrollably. Yes, we are talking about groceries, gas transportation.

In this way, even what should be the basics becomes almost unattainable. This whole situation only reinforces how important it is for a country that wants to be first world to have social projects that seek to help families in the best possible way.

And that is exactly why CadÚnico is so important for Brazilians.

Cadastro Único is not an independent company, but the gateway to many others.

The person logs out and logs in. Depending on the terms presented by the data offered by CadÚnico, in the vast majority of cases, CadÚnico is already aware of all the benefits to which you will be entitled.

The program itself is a way for the government to do this. You can get an idea of how many people need help at any given time, as each family fills in their details. Therefore, an inquiry is not even necessary. If the citizen is accepted, an analysis is carried out so that the program knows whether he fits the parameters.

Below are some of the benefits that CadÚnico offers to registered users

  • Promotion of rural production activities;
  • People's Telephone;
  • Social tariff for electricity;
  • Literate Brazil Program;
  • Water for everyone;
  • PETI aiming to abolish child labor;
  • Exemption from registration for public tenders;
  • Retirement for low-income people;
  • Green and Yellow House;
  • Help in Brazil.

And if you want to know if you can access at least some of these benefits, you need to register with CadÚnico. The whole process is very simple.

Just look for the CRAS in your city or the nearest city, as they will guide you exactly how to proceed. We have already said that you must be at least 16 years of age for your registration to be effective.

Don't forget to take some very important documents with you. This is the case with your CPF, ID, voter registration card and your marriage or birth certificate. You will also need proof of residence, which can be just a utility bill and a work permit.

You should also ask if there is anything at the state level that is not part of the state program, as it is possible to mobilize even more aid.

Pedro Henrique

Website writer, trained in advertising, always bringing the best news, tips, applications and finance to the reader. I believe that education and information move the world.