iEL: Administration, Public Relations, Accounting, Law, Economics, Engineering, Journalism, Marketing, Social Communication, Management Processes, Psychology, Advertising.

iEL internship vacancies is a non-profit entity that has been working for over 60 years for the economic and social development of Brazil. IEL is responsible for initiatives that have contributed to improving the quality of life of millions of Brazilians.

In this text, we will learn a little more about IEL, its services and actions developed to promote Brazil's growth. Follow until the end and also see about the iEL internship vacancies.

What is iEL?

iEL internship vacancies is a non-profit institution created in 1969. IEL's objective is to promote actions for the development of entrepreneurship, connect companies and people, stimulate innovation and productivity, in addition to promoting education and professional qualification actions.

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Through programs, courses, lectures and consultancy actions, IEL seeks to develop entrepreneurship in companies, in addition to creating opportunities for the professionals involved to have access to better working conditions.

Furthermore, iEL internships also work to train companies and entrepreneurs, contributing to increased productivity, innovation in the industrial sector, competitiveness and internationalization.

In this way, iEL offers professional qualification services, such as consultancy, training, lectures and courses, to meet the needs of industries, companies and professionals.


Operating for more than 50 years in the country, iEL has become a reference in the development of entrepreneurship, contributing to Brazilian economic growth.

What job vacancies are available at iEL?

IEL provides various vacancies internship through your website. But what are they? Currently, the vacancies available are:

  • Administration;
  • Public relations;
  • Accounting Sciences;
  • Right;
  • Economy;
  • Engineering;
  • Journalism;
  • Marketing;
  • Social Communication;
  • Management processes;
  • Psychology;
  • Advertising and marketing.

How to apply for job vacancies?

iEL internship offers first job opportunities in companies throughout Brazil, and registration is simple and quick

First, access the iEL website and select the option “sign up”. Shortly after this, you will be redirected to the registration page, which contains a form to fill out. In it, you must provide your personal data, such as name, email address, telephone number, as well as professional details, professional experience and area of interest.

Then, after filling out the form, you will be asked to upload a resume. It is important that you keep your resume updated so that the iEL can learn more about your experiences and qualifications. Finally, you must select the companies you want to apply to and send your curriculum.

Therefore, shortly after completing these steps, you will receive a confirmation email informing you that your resume has been received by iEL. From now on, our experts will evaluate your resume and look for the best opportunities for you.

What are the benefits of signing up for iEL internship vacancies?

The main benefits of applying for jobs offered by iEL are: Access to a wide variety of job and internship opportunities, available for all levels of experience and skills.

  • Access to an online registration system that allows candidates to manage their selection process efficiently and securely;
  • Access to career guidance services, offering candidates information and support to develop or improve the skills needed for the job market;
  • Access to a training program for young people, developing skills necessary to get a job;
  • Access to a mentoring program, helping candidates improve their communication, leadership and teamwork skills;
  • Access to a professional training program, allowing candidates to acquire the skills necessary to perform their roles effectively.

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