INSS: 3 little-known benefits you can receive

The National Social Security Institute (INSS) is responsible for various transfers to employees. Annuity, sickness benefit and death benefit are some of the best known. However, there are other benefits of INSS that are little known to the general public.

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Social Security contributors should be aware of the eligibility criteria for these benefits, as they may be eligible for payments and lose out because they are unaware of their rights. Check out the three benefits and their requirements in the following article.

Family salary

All workers, including domestic workers and self-employed workers, can apply for family benefit as long as they are within the income limit. According to the table, from 2022, anyone who earns up to R$ 1,655.98 will receive a portion of R$ 56.47. The amounts paid vary according to the number of dependents.

Accident assistance

An employee who suffers an accident and has permanent consequences that reduce, but do not eliminate, their ability to work may request accident benefit. The little-known INSS benefit is compensatory in nature and requires the taxpayer to undergo a medical examination by the body.

Increase in disability retirement: 25%

An employee who retires due to disability and becomes dependent on the help of third parties for their daily activities is entitled to a raise. The supplement is equal to 25% of the pension payment and is intended to cover the cost of an assistant, carer or caregiver.

There is no need for a personal application from the insured, according to the government. The procedure can initially be carried out through the Meu INSS portal. After that, the beneficiary must arrange a medical examination, which can be carried out at home or at the hospital where the pensioner is staying.

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Pedro Henrique

Website writer, trained in advertising, always bringing the best news, tips, applications and finance to the reader. I believe that education and information move the world.