INSS Review: STF measure could change benefit rules

Following the ruling by the ministers of the Federal Court of Justice (STF) on June 9, interested parties who wish to request a review of the INSS may notice changes. The lifetime verification is carried out when the citizen wishes to include all of their social security contributions in the calculation of the benefit.

In short, the STF decided that retired ministers should vote on requests for lifetime verification from the National Institute of Social Security (INSS). The virtual process is then transferred to an in-person process.

When Minister Kassio Nunes Marques asked in March to emphasize the verification process with an in-person process, the score was reset. The votes cast in the virtual process were therefore not taken into account.

At that time, six of the eleven ministers agreed with the validation of the lifetime check. Meanwhile, five were opposed, considering the impact on the government of R$$46 billion over 10 years if the measure were approved.

The change in the voting system could be favorable for those who want to seek a review of the INSS measure. This is because, in the last meeting on the subject, Minister Marco Aurélio endorsed this action, but then withdrew.

He would soon be replaced by André Mendonça, appointed by President Jair Bolsonaro (PL) to participate in the vote. A minister who experts say would be against a lifetime review.

According to lawyers from the Social Security Administration interviewed by Folha de S. Paulo, it is not possible to guarantee victory, although the presence of retired ministers may favor approval. There may be changes for and against the campaign.

How do I request a review of my INSS benefit?

If you are interested in requesting a lifetime review of the INSS and including contributions prior to 1994 in the calculation of your benefit request, you can still do so.

The first step is to consult a specialized lawyer to have these calculations made based on the contributions made to the INSS. If it is found that this right exists, the accounting professional will take action and demand the adjustment of the benefit amount.

There is no guarantee that this request will be answered quickly, as it will depend on a new vote whether the INSS review will in fact be adopted in the country.

Pedro Henrique

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