Revenue Auction: Iphone for R$1 thousand, find out how to participate.

All interested parties can submit their proposals until 11 am on June 28th. Check out the details of the Federal Revenue Auction below.

Read too: See how to earn extra income repairing cell phones.

The IRS will hold a new auction of abandoned and seized goods. At event 0817600/000002/2022 it will be possible to bid on items such as the iPhone Mini with a starting price of R$ 100 and other Xiaomi devices with a starting price of R$ 479. Interested parties can submit their proposals until June 28th, at 11am. Check below the details of the Federal Revenue Auction.

More details about the auction

In short, the products come from IRS seizures. This means that they range from people returning from over-limit travel abroad without declaring it to requests made illegally.

As usual, the auction has lots that only accept bids from legal entities (PJ). especially when there are many items involved. While others accept the participation of individuals. As items are available in an auction format, the price of products may increase depending on public interest.

All auction merchandise is not guaranteed or guaranteed to work. And to collect the items you must go in person to São Paulo international airport, in Guarulhos.

Among the items highlighted in the auction, it is possible to offer the iPhone XR from R$ 1 thousand in lot 4 and an Apple Watch Series 6 + 3 bracelet for R$ 600 in lot 12. In lot 15 there is an AirPods unit and a stabilizer. DJI OM4 smartphone for the opening bid of R$ 400.

How to participate in the auction event?

If you wish to participate in the revenue auction, you must be current on your taxes. A digital certificate is also required. Once this is done, you can access the e-CAC portal and receive an access code. After that, just visit the recipe auction page and bid on the interesting lots.

See tooFind out how to earn extra income in dollars by answering surveys.

Pedro Henrique

Website writer, trained in advertising, always bringing the best news, tips, applications and finance to the reader. I believe that education and information move the world.