New gas voucher: benefit could increase this year, see

Gas voucher: The amount of the transfer defined by the government is at least half the average price of the 13kg bottle sold in the country. However, it may increase.

Recent data from the Ministry of Citizenship shows that currently around 5.6 million Brazilians are receiving gas vouchers. For this month, the value of the benefit was set at R$$ 53. The amount of the transfer set by the government is at least half the average price of the 13 kg bottle sold in the country.

New value is expected

In June, the average price of a gas cylinder was around R$107, according to the National Petroleum Agency (ANP). As a result, according to the program's rules, the government had to pay at least half of the amount, a little over R$52, which ended up being rounded up to R$53. This amount is uniform, everyone receives it equally.

However, as mentioned above, the government is considering changing the program's rules. In this way, the government would no longer have to pay half the price of the bottle and could even choose to pass on the full average price of the product. For example, if the measure were already in effect, beneficiaries could receive R$107 instead of R$1053 that month.

The gas voucher proposal is under analysis

Earlier this week, the proposal to increase the federal gas voucher was officially presented to the Federal Senate. A group of senators allied with the current government presented the measure in the form of an amendment.

The government's intention is for the new gas credit measure to be implemented in conjunction with a PEC that establishes a monetary compensation proposal for the reduction of ICMS on fuels. The measure is seen as problematic by heads of state, as it will result in a loss of revenue.

Pedro Henrique

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