New: Musical App Rewards You for Rating!

A new development has been making the news this week, an artificial intelligence application that pays users to rate new singers.

In order to filter new hits, a company launched an app that provides videos of new singers for public evaluation and in return pays those who help with this mission:

With an initial balance of 25.00, the app allows withdrawals when the balance reaches 100.00, but it is up to the user to withdraw the minimum or add more

The application allows up to 10 withdrawals per day to be made after evaluations and does not charge for its use, meaning earnings only depend on your free time invested.

Image Application evaluation screen.
Earnings obtained by the editorial team in less than 1 hour using the app!

Understand the APP and what it gets in return:

The innovative music app serves as a launching pad for new talent in the world of music, offering a unique proposition: paying users to review songs. But why does the platform choose to reward its users in this way? The answer lies in the quality of the reviews collected. The company behind the app seeks to democratize the process of discovering new artists, using users' opinions and reviews to identify potential hits and emerging musical phenomena.

App users, therefore, are not just listeners; they are an integral part of a sophisticated A&R (Artists and Repertoire) system, traditionally responsible for identifying and developing musical talent. By compensating users for their time and insight, the app ensures a constant flow of authentic feedback and genuine engagement, which is crucial to carefully selecting artists who could be the next big names in music.

This approach not only provides an extra source of income for users who enjoy music and want to influence the future of the industry, but it also creates a direct route for new artists to be discovered and promoted. In a world saturated with music and artists, the app stands out as a revolutionary tool that benefits music lovers and creators alike, paving the way for the discovery and success of new talent.

Pedro Henrique

Website writer, trained in advertising, always bringing the best news, tips, applications and finance to the reader. I believe that education and information move the world.