Nube offers 9,300 internship vacancies, check out how to register.

Internship opportunities are for high school students, technicians, technologists and university students

The internship is the initial phase of every career, in which the employee is still in the training phase and has to acquire experience, knowledge and skills in their area of expertise. In general, the internship is a prerequisite for students taking technical, professional and undergraduate courses and must be completed for the student to obtain the credits required for the course.

It is very common, for example, in universities for their students, at the end of their courses, to request an internship report so that the student can prove that they have gained direct work experience in their field of study. The internship report presents all the functions performed by the intern, their daily learning and development in the client company and the signature of the person responsible for supervising and managing the internship.

Cloud offers more than 9 thousand internship vacancies

Nube (Brazilian Internship Center) is offering 9,325 internship vacancies across Brazil this week. The opportunities are for high school students, technicians, technologists and university students, both in the morning and evening. There are also vacancies to be filled for technical course students who owe mandatory internship hours.

The courses requested by companies include: administration, architecture, actuarial sciences, accounting, economics, pharmacy, speech therapy, nutrition, dentistry, radio and television and many others. Benefits vary depending on the position. Grants range from R$ 1,000.00 to R$ 2,300.00. You can see the full list on the Nube website. Student support is FREE.

If you are interested in any of the opportunities, call (11) 3514-9300 and enter the OE code or search for internship vacancies on the Nube website.

Name of Course | Grant Value | OE code


  • Administration | R$ 2,300.00 | 233992
  • Agronomy | R$ 1,400.00 | 194844
  • Architecture | R$ 1,500.00 | 233743
  • Actuarial Sciences | R$ 1,800.00 | 230798
  • Accounting | R$ 1,750.00 | 232729
  • Law | R$ 2,000.00 | 224016
  • Economy | R$ 2,000.00 | 228948
  • Pharmacy | R$ 1,917.00 | 212687
  • Speech therapy | R$ 1,400.00 | 228789
  • Logistics | R$ 2,049.00 | 233684
  • Nutrition | R$ 1,000.00 | 233432
  • Dentistry | R$ 1,500.00 | 178916
  • Radio and TV | R$ 1,200.00 | 233878
  • Tourism | R$ 1,500.00 | 233745

See too: Applications that pay pix, we analyzed 3, see

Pedro Henrique

Website writer, trained in advertising, always bringing the best news, tips, applications and finance to the reader. I believe that education and information move the world.