Gasoline aid: See who receives R$300.00

Gasoline aid, a measure that brings relief to the pockets of those receiving the benefit

If there's one thing that keeps Brazilians up at night, it's the ever-increasing price of gasoline at gas stations across the country.

So even the simple habit of driving your own vehicle to work has something to do with it Impact headaches right in the driver's pocket.

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However, to mitigate this much feared impact, the Senate approved the Gasoline Aid in March this year, which will provide support of up to R$ 300 per month.

Who will be entitled?

Taxi drivers, motorcycle taxi drivers and app drivers who have a proven history of low income are eligible for the benefit.

If this aid were sanctioned and enshrined in law, this aid for Brazilian workers would come into force from October 2022.*

The gasoline grant gives beneficiaries a breather, who can use this voucher to fill up their vehicle and save their salary for other private expenses.

Bill 1472/21 is, in fact, a type of emergency aid with the aim of reducing the growing impact on the final price of gasoline for the consumer.

With a budget limited to R$ 3 billion reais, the priority is to serve the population already benefiting from the Auxílio Brasil program.

To receive the aid, a per capita income of up to two minimum wages or R$ 2,424 is still required.

Depending on the theme, app, taxi, school bus drivers, truck drivers and families who work at Auxílio Brasil are registered and are entitled to a minimum of R$ 250 per month to assist with the purchase of gasoline.

However, the value is not definitive. Each new semester, the value must be updated based on the average price recorded at the pumps in the analyzed period.

At the moment the project is still under analysis in the Chamber of Deputies, but if approved, it will be a great relief for all who benefit from it.

Read tooFind out how to earn extra income in dollars by answering surveys.

Pedro Henrique

Website writer, trained in advertising, always bringing the best news, tips, applications and finance to the reader. I believe that education and information move the world.