PIS/Pasep: Find out if you are entitled to three withdrawals in 2022

Around 320,000 people have not withdrawn the resources relating to the 2019 salary bonus, and around 498,000 citizens have not yet withdrawn the salary bonus relating to the base year 2020. Likewise, around 320,000 people have not withdrawn the resources relating to the salary bonus of 2019, and around 498,000 citizens have not yet withdrawn the salary bonus from the base year 2020.

The PIS-PASEP Fund is the result of the merger of funds formed by resources from the Social Inclusion Program – PIS and the Public Service Wealth Creation Program – PASEP.

See now if you are entitled to at least one of them in this article.

Base year 2019

Around 320 thousand citizens have not yet withdrawn the PIS/Pasep bonus, base year 2019. Therefore, this is equivalent to R$ 208 million of the salary bonus, which has not yet been redeemed, that is, forgotten.

The Federal Government opened the deadline for claiming amounts on March 31st, with withdrawals until March 29th. December is allowed. If the employee does not meet the deadlines, he or she must request the subsidy again in another registration period.

How to access PIS/Pasep

To access the benefit, the worker will need to meet certain requirements, see them:

  • Be registered with PIS/Pasep (At least 5 years)
  • Have received an average monthly remuneration of up to two minimum wages during the base year for 2019;
  • Have carried out remunerated activity for (at least 30 days), consecutive or not, in the base year referring to 2019;
  • Have the data updated in the Annual Social Information List (RAIS)/eSocial.

However, when it comes to requesting the benefit, it can be done at one of the Ministry of Labor agencies. Therefore, there are other means of communication, such as those listed below:

  • Through the center (Alô Trabalhador) by telephone number 158;
  • Email message, via the address [email protected], replacing the letters 'uf' with the acronym of the state in which you reside; Example: [email protected] (Example for the state of Rio de Janeiro)
  • Through the Digital Work Card (CTPS) application;
  • Through the Gov.br Portal.

Base year 2020

The same conditions listed above for the base year 2019, just pay attention to the following detail:

It is worth mentioning that workers with a formal contract receive PIS through Caixa Econômica Federal and those who are public servants receive Pasep through Banco do Brasil.

The amounts will be available for redemption until December 29, 2022.

See too:

Pedro Henrique

Website writer, trained in advertising, always bringing the best news, tips, applications and finance to the reader. I believe that education and information move the world.