Public Tenders: See how IT falls

Currently, IT for public competitions is increasingly required, in all tests, and at different levels. Have you mastered the basic concepts? It's worth checking out some tips! O…

The most common sin of “first-time sailors who are going to take a public exam” is not paying enough attention to the competition notice, especially in the basic IT section.

The notice deserves all your attention, it contains the content of the tests, application requirements, dates, details about the tests, exams and much other information, so start by reading the notice well and follow the following tips.

See below a step-by-step guide to answer all IT questions.

Understand how IT issues work

Firstly, IT questions for public exams generally seek to know initial concepts, if you know:

  • Understand how to perform operations in text software
  • Knows tools, files, program extensions;
  • Knows how to apply concepts in practical situations, which the candidate will experience on a daily basis.

This way, by mastering these topics, you will already be ahead of many people in public competition tests that involve IT.

Unless it is a competition for a specific vacancy that involves this knowledge, in that case, the content is more in-depth.

Furthermore, you should be aware that each bank charges IT issues differently, that is, each bank has its own peculiarities.

However, examples of public tenders are Cespe, FGV, FCC, Vunesp, Selecon, IBFC, among others.

One tip is to look for public tender tests already carried out by these banks and understand what the bank's charging profile is like on the most diverse topics.

This way, you will definitely carry out a targeted study

From now on, to make things easier, we leave in this link where you can find all the public exams already taken completely free of charge, however, ask as many questions as possible.

So, did you like the tips? Start your preparation for public exams now, as soon as possible and win your dream position.

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Pedro Henrique

Website writer, trained in advertising, always bringing the best news, tips, applications and finance to the reader. I believe that education and information move the world.