Retroactive benefit of R$1,100; Check out how to withdraw forgotten money

Here you can find out how to withdraw the amount of the forgotten PIS/Pasep benefit to alleviate your monthly bills.

Anyone who worked in 2019 is entitled to receive the forgotten PIS/Pasep amounts related to the salary bonus for that year. Have you taken yours yet? Well, if you want to know for sure whether you owe the amount or not, keep reading and find out who can receive the retroactive benefit.

There are some rules that determine which beneficiaries can receive the PIS/Pasep amount forgotten in 2019. See below to find out if you or someone in your family is entitled to the aforementioned salary supplement.

Who can receive this forgotten benefit?

  • Must have received up to two minimum wages on average in 2019;
  • worked with a formal contract and had at least thirty days of paid work in 2019;
  • any worker already registered with PIS/Pasep for at least five years (including 2019);
  • Professionals with data updated by their respective employers in the Annual Social Information List (RAIS)/eSocial, according to the category of the company they work for.

What is the amount of PIS/Pasep that citizens can receive?

The amount that beneficiaries can receive is equal to the amount paid in 2019 for that year's salary bonus. Therefore, the amounts that each beneficiary can receive range from R$ 92 to R$ 1,100.

The exact amount depends on the number of months each person worked in 2019.

Please note that the amount referring to PIS will be paid to workers in the private sector and will be paid through Caixa Econômica Federal. Pasep is paid by Banco do Brasil and applies to all public servants.

How to withdraw?

As not all workers are entitled to the forgotten amount of the salary bonus, every citizen must check whether or not they are entitled to the benefit.

Just call 158 or through the Digital Work Card. If after the consultation you actually forgot to get the values, you have to decide what to do.

  • First alternative: Go to a Ministry of Labor unit with a photo ID and collect it;
  • Second alternative: Send an email to the following address:[email protected], remember to change the uf for the acronym that refers to your state.

See too: Find out how to earn extra income in dollars by answering surveys.

Pedro Henrique

Website writer, trained in advertising, always bringing the best news, tips, applications and finance to the reader. I believe that education and information move the world.