Digital RG: It will be mandatory for everyone, see how to issue yours.

Soon all Brazilians will have to issue a digital identity card. The new unified national document will contain all data for each citizen. The new digital identity, which will include important changes in terms of security, data unification and even use for travel, will have the CPF as a single record, merging several Brazilian documents into a single version.

With the new feature, the CPF can be used as a number in legal documents (birth, marriage and death certificates), as identification in the INSS (NIT), in the work card, in the CNH and others.

Authenticity can be verified using a QR-code that works even offline. By enabling electronic validation, the document is considered more secure and drastically reduces document forgery by fraudsters and fraudsters. There are no fees for issuing the new digital ID.

When will the new ID come into effect?

The expected deadline is 12 months from publication, which was March 1st, for institutions and bodies to implement the adequacy of systems and procedures. Agencies and institutions have 24 months to make changes so that systems and databases share CPF information.

List of documents that can be unified, see:

Voter ID;
Driver's license;
Work Card;
Military Certificate;
National Health Card.

How to issue the new Digital RG

The document can be issued by people who have already completed biometric registration at the electoral court or other identification institutes. This means that the new digital identity card can be requested by people whose fingerprints have been entered into the National Civil Identification Bank (BDICN).

First, the DNI (National Identity Document) application must be installed. When opening the platform, citizens must fill out a pre-registration form and indicate:

Date of birth;
Phone number and password of your choice.

Then, simply complete the request at an available physical or virtual service point. The cards will then be distributed by state and federal public security agencies.

The new digital identity card will have new validity periods, being 5 years for children under 12 years old, 10 years for children under 12 years old Citizens from 13 to 60 years old and permanent for people over 60 years old.

See too:

Pedro Henrique

Website writer, trained in advertising, always bringing the best news, tips, applications and finance to the reader. I believe that education and information move the world.